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Demand curve in a sentence

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Sentence count:55Posted:2017-06-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: curvecurvedcurve balllaffer curvedemanddemand ofon demandin demand
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31. Then two special examples for aggregate demand curve are deduced.
32. These unusual instances will be limited to a segment of the demand curve.
33. Only in this way, can the free riding and the illusive demand curve resulted from it be avoided effectively, and the problem of Public Finance's unsteady basis can get a thorough solution.
34. Because real GNP fell only slightly in 1974, the demand curve for real money shifted only slightly to the left .
35. Suppose the economy moves from autarky to trade and the firm's demand curve shifts to.
36. If the demand curve for coffee is not affected, a change in the weather will lower the equilibrium quantity of coffee and raise its price.
37. Due to the added demand by passive investors shifts its demand curve to shift right, index investing has become a important force which drive the growth of the stock market.
38. Shifts in the supply or demand curve for labor cause the equilibrium wage to change.
39. By doing this for various prices, we can express the market demand curve as the horizontal sum of the demand curves of the individual consumers.
40. For instance, a firm who faces a downward sloping demand curve can choose price.
41. If one of these factors changes(, the demand curve shifts.
42. In China, the supply curve of labor is moving right, and the demand curve is immovable. In new equilibrium quantity, real wages is lower, employment quantity is increase.
43. Because the demand curve slopes downward, the marginal revenue curve lies below it.
44. To begin with, a market demand curve can be broken down in two different ways.
45. In particular, he rejects the sticky price assumed in the kinked demand curve model.
46. The value - of - marginal - product curve is the labor demand curve for a competitive, profit - maximizing firm.
47. The demand curve shows how the quantity of a good depends upon the price.
48. Graphically, individual demand curves are summed horizontally to obtain the market demand curve.
49. On the other hand the elevation of brand credit will reduce merchandise demand elasticity and steepen the demand curve .
50. For a monopoly,( curve.html) output is determined by marginal cost and the shape of the demand curve.
51. Using revenue voluntary theories, utilitarianism and psychological contract theories, the problem of illusive Demand Curve resulted from free riding was analyzed.
52. We rarely see a Z - shaped demand curve if the product has become well understood and commodity - like.
53. The demand curve shows how much of a good consumers are willing to buy as the price per unit changes holding non-price factors constant.
54. The tranquilization of the labor demand curve is important to the gross unemployment.
55. For a firm operating under perfectly competitive conditions, the marginal revenue curve and the demand curve are the same.
More similar words: curvecurvedcurve balllaffer curvedemanddemand ofon demandin demanddemandingundemandingexcess demandderived demanddemand depositsupply and demandinelastic demandaggregate demandhandcufflaw of supply and demandhandcuffssurveypurveycurvyayurvedasurveyorpurveyorbloodcurdlingcurvaturesurveillancecurvaceouscurvilinear
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